21 Sep 2024


Micron NBK001441-00 Video Driver

Company: Micron
Model: NBK001441-00
Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: TR9397NT.EXE


Micron NBK001441-00 Driver. Trident Cyber 9397 Video Drivers for Window NT 4.0.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 8628 07-29-98 11:23 video.GID 22016 10-06-97 21:14 NTIME.EXE 2903 05-16-97 21:12 README 124160 01-07-98 15:04 SGIUL40.DLL 403968 01-07-98 17:48 TDISPLUS.DLL 102368 01-06-98 13:37 TGIUL40.SYS 4043 01-07-98 16:01 TRIDENT.INF 1254 01-07-98 15:08 HISTORY.TXT 6036 07-29-98 12:53 VIDEO.HLP -------- ---- 675376 9 files

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